Jehovas Zeugen - Zurich, Switzerland
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Jehovas Zeugen
Zurlindenstrasse 82, P.O. Box: 8003, Zurich, Switzerland
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Company description
Jehovas Zeugen in Switzerland is a religious organization that promotes the teachings of the Bible and Jehovah, the God of the Bible. The organization is committed to helping people throughout Switzerland to gain a better understanding of the Bible and its teachings. They offer Bible study classes and seminars, as well as providing spiritual guidance and support to their members. They also provide assistance to those in need, such as helping with food, housing and clothing. Jehovas Zeugen in Switzerland is dedicated to helping people in Switzerland to come to a closer relationship with God and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. In doing so, they strive to bring peace, joy, and hope to the lives of those in Switzerland. In conclusion, Jehovas Zeugen in Switzerland is dedicated to
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providing spiritual guidance and support to their members, as well as helping those in need, so that they may grow closer to God and live a life that is pleasing to Him.Location map
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