- Switzerland
- Services
- Kung fu
Kung fu
Looking for companies by tag Kung fu in Switzerland? Find in our directory the list of companies by tag Kung fu in Switzerland.
We found 171 companies. Page 8
Kung Fu und Hapkido
Badenerstrasse 156b, P.O. Box: 8004, Zurich, Switzerland
044 242 97 65
Kung Fu Schule Martin Sewer AG
Wilenstrasse 59, P.O. Box: 9500, Wil Sg, Switzerland
071 923 20 20
Nicoletti Heidi (-Küng)
Rheinstrasse 9, P.O. Box: 9444, Diepoldsau, Switzerland
071 722 69 38
Praxis Wat Pho Traditionelle Thai-Massage & Fussreflexzonen-Therapie
Poststrasse 3, P.O. Box: 8406, Winterthur, Switzerland
052 202 19 16
Shaolin & Xinyi Quan
rue Jardinière 135, P.O. Box: 2300, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
032 914 40 62
SKEMA Schule Winterthur
Ohrbühlstrasse 25, P.O. Box: 8409, Winterthur, Switzerland
052 232 25 25
SKEMA Schule Aarau
General Guisan-Strasse 4 /Goldern, P.O. Box: 5000, Aarau, Switzerland
062 823 06 58
SKEMA Schule Frauenfeld
St. Gallerstrasse 18, P.O. Box: 8500, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
052 722 27 22
Tai Ji & WuShu Academy Switzerland
Tobelhofstrasse 21, P.O. Box: 8044, Zurich, Switzerland
079 253 46 62