- Switzerland
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- Kung fu
Kung fu
Looking for companies by tag Kung fu in Switzerland? Find in our directory the list of companies by tag Kung fu in Switzerland.
We found 171 companies. Page 7
Küng Anton Garage GmbH
Kreuzäcker 5, P.O. Box: 5637, Beinwil (freiamt), Switzerland
056 668 10 56
Académie de Kung-Fu et Shaolin
avenue De-Luserna 18, P.O. Box: 1203, Geneva, Switzerland
022 310 17 50
Akademie WingTsun-Schule
Technikumstrasse 8, P.O. Box: 8400, Winterthur, Switzerland
052 212 37 47
Atemi SA
rue Merle-d'Aubigné 22 / av. de Luserna 18, P.O. Box: 1207, Geneva, Switzerland
022 735 29 70
DAO Kung Fu Schule
Rheinweg 21, P.O. Box: 8212, Neuhausen Am Rheinfall, Switzerland
079 336 30 19
Dong Long Wu Shu Akademie
Dianastrasse 3, P.O. Box: 9200, Gossau Sg, Switzerland
079 598 64 14
rue Merle-d'Aubigné 22 / av. de Luserna 18, P.O. Box: 1207, Geneva, Switzerland
022 735 29 70
Fama - Kampfkunstschule
Cäcilienstrasse 21, P.O. Box: 3007, Bern, Switzerland
031 371 11 04
Fusspraxis Anita (-Küng)
Kasimir-Pfyffer-Strasse 13, P.O. Box: 6003, Lausanne, Switzerland
041 240 84 84
GKS Geiger Kampfkunst-Schulen
Stiglenstrasse 37, P.O. Box: 8052, Zurich, Switzerland
044 302 62 69
Integrated Movement Hackel
Oberneuhofstrasse 7, P.O. Box: 6340, Baar, Switzerland
041 743 26 52