List of 643 Registered Companies in Sierre, Switzerland

Top verified registered companies in the Sierre, November 2024. Page 25
We found 643 companies registered in Sierre, Switzerland. Page 25

CHRIST Montres & Bijoux

Address: P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 97 70

Clown Scoubidou

Address: avenue du Château de la Cour 3, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
079 656 65 49

Club Sierrois

Address: place Beaulieu 10, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 21 98

Coop Mineraloel AG

Address: P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
0800 80 20 80

Coop station-service avec shop

Address: route de la Gemmi 20, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 456 20 80


Address: avenue du Général Guisan 6, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 452 31 11

Créative Nails

Address: route de Sion 39, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
078 760 94 64

Créative Nails

Address: route de Sion 26, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
078 760 94 64

Crettaz Yvon

Address: rue de Villa 4, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 75 80

Culturelle récréative et sportive portuguaise Sierre

Address: Iles Falcon 15, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 14 17

de Développement de Sierre et Salgesch

Address: place de la Gare, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 85 35

de Goubing

Address: chemin des Collines 27 Section allemande, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 03 04

De Ieso Johnny

Address: chemin du Vallon 14, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
078 601 87 47

de Loc

Address: P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 98 31

de Naturopathie

Address: avenue du Général Guisan 19, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 52 00

de Pétanque Azzurri Napoli

Address: Iles Falcon, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 66 16

Deriaz Jean-Jacques (-Zufferey)

Address: route du Bois de Finges 25, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 79 61

de Sierre

Address: chemin des Condémines, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 456 37 95

des Liddes

Address: route de Sion 8, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
027 455 11 70

des Trois Baies

Address: chemin de la Petite Arvine 65, P.O. Box: 3960, Sierre, Switzerland
079 290 22 05
643 companies