Top 1,235 Religion in Switzerland
List of top verified Religion in Switzerland, near me. Last updated Dec 2024
We found 1,235 directory listings in Switzerland. Page 20
Evangelisch-reformierte des Kt. Freiburg
Prehlstrasse 11, P.O. Box: 3280, Murten, Switzerland
026 670 45 40
Evang.-Ref. Kirche NW
Buochserstrasse 16, P.O. Box: 6370, Stans, Switzerland
041 610 34 36
Fachstelle Religionspädagogik heilpädagogischer Religionsunterricht
Mittelstrasse 6a, P.O. Box: 3012, Bern, Switzerland
031 302 39 32
Fachstelle für Unterricht der Reformierten Kirche Baselland
Lindenberg 12, P.O. Box: 4058, Basel, Switzerland
061 690 28 40
Fahrdienst Ostermundigen
Obere Zollgasse 15, P.O. Box: 3072, Ostermundigen, Switzerland
031 932 11 11
Fischer Stefan PD Pfr. Dr.
Obere Dorfstrasse 44, P.O. Box: 4126, Bettingen, Switzerland
061 601 26 01
Forum für Zeitfragen
Leonhardskirchplatz 11, P.O. Box: 4051, Basel, Switzerland
061 264 92 00
Gundeldingerstrasse 370, P.O. Box: 4053, Basel, Switzerland
061 336 30 31
Gemeindezentrum Bethel
Seminarstrasse 37, P.O. Box: 5430, Wettingen, Switzerland
056 430 15 15
chemin J.-B.-Vandelle 16, P.O. Box: 1290, Versoix, Switzerland
022 755 12 44
avenue des Communes-Réunies 5, P.O. Box: 1212, Grand-lancy, Switzerland
022 794 06 33
Griechisch- Orthodoxe Kirche
Gladiolenstrasse 2, P.O. Box: 4142, Münchenstein, Switzerland
061 411 40 91
Heieck Beatrice und Andreas (-Vögelin)
Eichenstrasse 37, P.O. Box: 8200, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
052 625 82 40
Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde
Leimenstrasse 10, P.O. Box: 4051, Basel, Switzerland
061 273 40 70
Hosanna Assemblée Chrétienne
rue de l'Industrie 20, P.O. Box: 1400, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
024 441 93 70
International Protestant Church of Zurich
Zeltweg 20, P.O. Box: 8032, Zurich, Switzerland
044 262 55 25
Filter by City
- Zurich92
- Geneva50
- Basel140
- Bern42
- Lausanne50
- Winterthur10
- Lucerne0
- St. Gallen20
- Lugano5
- Biel/Bienne24
Related Categories
- Advice Centres0
- After School Programs0
- Anti Corruption Organizations0
- Associations2,361
- Business Education1
- Charity0
- Charity Services184
- Child Daycare Services0
- Children's Services140
- Churches0
- Colleges1
- Communities0
- Counseling Services0
- Education1,510
- Environmental Services263
- Funeral Directors1
- Government0
- Government Offices0
- Government Services0
- Group Homes0
- Information Services160
- Kindergartens0
- Local Authorities2
- Military0
- Ministries0
- Nonprofit Organizations0
- Organizations0
- Police Departments0
- Political0
- Post Offices0
- Public Transport7
- Religion1,235
- Retirement0
- Schools10,566
- Social Work Services397
- Sustainability0
- Tutoring1
- Unions0
- Universities959
- Voluntary Organisations2
- Youth Organizations0